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Close up of a harvester ant - Ant control services with City Termite & Pest Control in Malvern, AR

Harvester Ant

Actual Size: 1/4″ to 1/2″

Characteristics: Large, square-shaped heads – and vary in color from red to a mix of reddish-brown and black.

Legs: 6

Wings: Found on reproductive males and females

Habitat: Harvester ants prefer the openness of grasslands and desert regions for their nesting sites. They are not typically home invaders but are known to build nests in nearby outdoor spaces like lawns and gardens. These ants thrive in arid conditions and are commonly found in sandy soils where they construct their intricate nests.


  • Harvester ants are primarily seed eaters, with grass seeds constituting the bulk of their diet.
  • They use their powerful mandibles to crush seeds, which are then stored in specialized areas within their nests known as granaries.
  • These ants build noticeable mound-shaped nests in open, sandy areas.
  • A typical nest might have up to ten entrances and can be moderate to large in size.
  • The nests of harvester ants can lead to significant vegetation loss around the nest area, contributing to soil erosion.

Harvester Ants in Central Arkansas

In the Central Arkansas area, harvester ants are known for their distinct mounds and foraging behavior. They are particularly active from June to October, especially following rainfall in the afternoon. These periods often coincide with their swarming seasons, aimed at reproduction.

Harvester Ant Habitat

While harvester ants do not usually invade indoor spaces, their presence in gardens and on lawns can be problematic due to their damaging effects on vegetation and the potential for painful stings. Their unique behaviors, combined with their role in the ecosystem as seed dispersers, make them a fascinating yet challenging pest.

Harvester Ant Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Harvester ants pose a unique danger due to their painful stings, which are more intense than those of typical ants and involve leaving the stinger embedded in the skin. This can lead to severe allergic reactions in some individuals. Because of their aggressive nature, harvester ants can pose a risk to humans and pets alike.

If you suspect a harvester ant infestation, it is recommended to contact a licensed ant exterminator.