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Paper wasp against a white background - Keep paperwasps away from your home with City Termite & Pest Control in Malvern, AR

Paper Wasp

Actual Size: 0.75 to 1.25”

Characteristics: Sleek black abdomen and a deep mahogany body accented by a striking yellow ring. Their wings are a dark, translucent black.

Legs: 6

Antennae: Yes

Habitat: Paper wasps are known for their skill in crafting umbrella-shaped nests that resemble paper. These nests are commonly found in residential areas, suspended from twigs and branches, under porch ceilings, and other similar overhangs.


  • While these wasps exhibit moderate aggression, they are also known for their communal spirit during nest building.
  • Only the designated queen lays eggs within the colony.
  • Paper wasps are beneficial predators in gardens and farms, feeding on nectar as well as various insects like flies and caterpillars – helping control these populations naturally.

Paper Wasps in Central Arkansas

In the United States alone, there are more than 22 species of paper wasps, primarily characterized by a brownish hue with yellow markings, often leading to confusion with yellowjackets. These wasps are sometimes called umbrella wasps due to the distinctive shape of their nests, which are typically found hanging from sheltered, horizontal surfaces.

Paper Wasp Habitat

The nests of paper wasps are unique, often described as resembling upside-down umbrellas with a paper-mâché texture. These are semi-exposed structures, unlike the fully enclosed nests of yellow jackets, and can often be found on tree branches, under eaves, or along attic rafters. Their proximity to human residences increases the likelihood of wasps entering homes through small openings, such as attic vents or under shingles.

Paper Wasp Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Paper wasps play a crucial role in the ecosystem by controlling pest populations and contributing to pollination. However, their protective nature can make them a threat to humans, as they may sting repeatedly if their nests are disturbed.

Stings can be extremely painful, which is why you should leave it up to a professional wasp control company to control paper wasp infestations in or near your home.