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Varied carpet beetle against a white background - Keep carpet beetles out of your home with City Termite & Pest Control in Malvern, AR

Varied Carpet Beetle

Actual Size: 2 to 3 mm

Characteristics: Oval-shaped, predominantly black in the center, adorned with a variable and irregular pattern of white, brownish, and yellowish scales

Legs: 6

Antennae: Yes

Wings: Yes, and capable of flight

Habitat: Carpet beetles often establish themselves in homes, starting in attics where they feed on insect remains before migrating to infest various household items. They are particularly drawn to Oriental rugs, wall hangings, and wool-based carpeting.


  • Carpet beetles consume both plant and animal products.
  • They are known to feed on carpet, wool, stuffed animals, hair, leather, and insects.
  • These strong fliers often enter homes through open windows, particularly around eaves and attic vents.

Varied Carpet Beetles in Central Arkansas

The varied carpet beetle, named for the diverse colors on its back, is the most prevalent carpet beetle in Central Arkansas. These small insects are notorious for damaging carpets and other natural fibers. Homeowners often first notice the larvae, which are usually striped and covered in bristles, giving them a furry appearance. As larvae mature, they shed their exoskeletons, another sign of infestation.

Varied Carpet Beetle Habitat

Outdoors, female beetles lay their eggs in spider webs, and bees, wasps, or bird nests, which provide food for the larvae such as dead insects, beeswax, pollen, feathers, or other debris. Although varied carpet beetles are commonly found in many homes without detection, in small numbers, they can be beneficial by breaking down old organic matter and cleaning up after other insects. Adults typically appear in spring or early summer and are often found indoors near windows.

Varied Carpet Beetle Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Carpet beetles are scavengers. In homes, especially older, larger ones, they frequently infest attics by feeding on dead insect remains. They then move into living areas, infesting Oriental rugs, wall hangings, and wool-based wall-to-wall carpeting. Varied carpet beetles feed on a wide array of animal and plant products, including carpets, woolen goods, skins, furs, stuffed animals, leather book bindings, and dead insects and spiders.

If you believe that your home has fallen victim to a carpet beetle infestation, contact a beetle control expert.