Garbage Flies in Central Arkansas
Garbage flies, also known as house flies, are easily identified by their four long stripes in the middle of their body. Their bodies are gray and slightly yellow and there is an upward bend on one of the wing veins. Their mouth is most suitable for sponging up liquid food and they cannot bite. Female flies have a wider distance between their red-colored eyes and are usually larger than the male flies.
Garbage Fly Habitat
During the hot summer months, garbage flies are found in their greatest numbers. Eggs are laid in moist, warm, organic materials such as garbage, decaying fruits or vegetables, manure, lawn clippings, or contaminated soils of these materials. In an optimal environment, the egg-to-adult development cycle can take as little as seven days.
Garbage Fly Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers
Since garbage flies exist near humans, they are largely considered a nuisance pest. These flies can carry harmful diseases to both humans and animals. Since they breed and feed on waste, they can pick up viruses, bacteria, and fungi that can later be transferred to food or water. Garbage flies are considered a nuisance due to their proximity to humans. In some cases, these flies can carry a variety of harmful diseases to humans and animals alike.
Always contact a professional fly control expert for help with garbage flies.
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