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Pine Snake on white - keep snakes out of your lawn with City Termite & Pest Control in Malvern, AR

Pine Snake

Actual Size: 2 to 8 feet long

Characteristics: Light gray, white, or yellow in appearance. Their sides and back display dark, squarish blotches, which fade toward the tail and intensify near the head.

Habitat: Habitats range from pine and oak forests to fields, scrublands, sandy soil, and mountain ridges, with altitudes of up to 9000 feet.


  • Known for their burrowing behavior.
  • Nonvenomous and generally not aggressive toward humans.
  • They prey primarily on rodents, small mammals, birds, eggs, lizards, and insects.
  • Press their prey against burrow walls to subdue it before swallowing it whole.

Pine Snakes in Central Arkansas

Recognized as one of North America’s largest snakes, pine snakes have an average length of 6 feet, although some individuals can grow up to 8 feet. These snakes prefer pine woods and dry coniferous forests as their habitat. Their diet consists of rodents, small mammals, birds, eggs, lizards, and insects. Pine snakes often venture into animal burrows to find their next meal, using an unusual technique. They press their prey against the burrow walls with their strong bodies.

Pine Snakes Habitat

Pine snakes thrive in sandy soils, where their adept burrowing skills come into play. They construct summer and hibernation dens within the soil. They also repurpose abandoned animal burrows. These snakes primarily live underground, resurfacing occasionally from spring through fall, particularly during May to October. During winter, they hibernate, emerging once again in spring before returning to hibernation in the fall.

Pine Snakes Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Pine snakes are rare and they are well-known for their extremely aggressive behavior. When approached, these snakes hiss loudly, vibrate their tails, and deliver a powerful strike. Despite being non-venomous, a pine snake bite can cause significant amounts of pain.

If you are having an issue with pine snakes on your property, it is best to consult a professional pest control company for removal.