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Closeup of a pavement ant on a white background - Keep pavement ants away from your home with City Termite & Pest Control in Malvern, AR

Pavement Ant

Actual Size: 1/16″ to 1/8″

Characteristics: Vary from light to dark brown, occasionally appearing black. Notably, they exhibit distinct, dark lines across their head and thorax.

Legs: 6

Antennae: Yes

Wings: Reproductive members of the species, both males and females, possess wings

Habitat: Pavement ants typically establish their colonies in exposed soil, beneath stones, or amidst the cracks of pavement, masonry, or wood. Commonly found areas include near pathways, patios, and alongside driveways. Their adaptability to urban environments makes them a frequent sight in residential and commercial areas.


  • A preference for meats, grease, and other protein-rich foods.
  • Inside buildings, they often build nests within walls, under flooring, or in insulation.
  • Externally, they favor nesting under stones or within the cracks of sidewalks and concrete structures.

Pavement Ants in Central Arkansas

In areas like Central Arkansas, pavement ants are commonly found nesting around sidewalks, driveways, and building foundations. Their diet is diverse, feeding on proteins, grease, dead insects, seeds, and sugary substances. Notably, they are attracted to the honeydew produced by aphids and mealybugs. Swarming behaviors are observed primarily in the spring, though indoor colonies may swarm throughout the year, leading to confusion with termites. This can be particularly problematic in commercial settings where swarms are unsightly and disruptive.

Pavement Ant Habitat

Pavement ants are nocturnal, often spotted at night moving in slow, organized lines to and from food sources. Urban areas, with their extensive pavements and minimal vegetation, serve as ideal habitats. These ants are meticulous in their nesting, creating small soil mounds near their entry points, often visible next to patios and sidewalks. Inside, they are most commonly found in kitchens or near patios, setting up residence within wall voids or under floors.

Pavement Ant Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

While pavement ants can bite and sting, they rarely do so to humans. Their main threat stems from their nuisance presence, particularly their tendency to form unsightly mounds on paved surfaces and their potential to contaminate food sources when they invade in large numbers.

If you suspect a pavement ant infestation, consult a professional ant exterminator.