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Small honey ant crawling on a rock - Keep pests away from your home with City Termite & Pest Control in Malvern, AR

Small Honey Ant

Actual Size: 2 to 4 mm

Characteristics: A smooth, glossy exoskeleton that can vary from light to dark brown

Legs: 6

Antennae: Yes

Wings: Male and female reproductives have wings

Habitat: These ants typically establish their nests in moist soil shielded by shaded areas. While they prefer outdoor habitats, small honey ants can adapt to indoor environments, often creating nests under slab foundations or within the confines of indoor plant containers.


  • Commonly referred to as the “winter ant” due to their activity in cooler climates.
  • They are drawn to sweet substances like sugar and fruits found within homes but will also consume meats and bread.
  • They create curved soil mounds above their nests, which are formed from the dirt they excavate.

Small Honey Ants in Central Arkansas

In Central Arkansas, the small honey ant is well-adapted to local conditions and is known for its resilience in colder temperatures. These ants maintain smaller colonies that may number only a few thousand individuals, yet they are known for their persistent foraging behaviors. Small honey ants typically venture into homes in search of food, and it’s not uncommon for them to establish indoor nests.

Small Honey Ant Habitat

The small honey ant thrives just above the freezing point, making it an active forager even in cooler temperatures. These ants prefer to nest in damp, shady soil but avoid nesting under stones or similar objects. They are often found near aphids, from which they gather honeydew (a sugary byproduct that is a major food source). Indoors, they may enter through cracks or joints in the foundation and can sometimes be found nesting under floors or within walls.

Small Honey Ant Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Despite their harmless nature (they neither bite or sting) small honey ants can become a nuisance. They pose a risk to vegetation, particularly flowering plants, by damaging buds to access sap. Additionally, by tending aphids for honeydew, they can indirectly harm plant health. In homes, their quest for food leads them to sweets, meats, and fruits, which can result in food contamination.

If you suspect a small honey ant infestation, please consult a professional ant exterminator.