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Pigeon against a white background - Keep pigeons away from your home with City Termite & Pest Control in Malvern, AR


Actual Size: 13.5 inches; 10-13 oz in weight

Characteristics: Gray or blue with various markings.

Habitat: Nests on windows, traffic lights, and other residential areas near humans.


  • Also known as rock doves.
  • Known to carry or transmit candidiasis, salmonellosis, and cryptococcosis.
  • Year-round breeders with peak mating seasons occurring in spring and fall.

Pigeons in Central Arkansas

The feral pigeon is a pest that can be found year-round in the United States and has adapted well to man-made environments. The pigeon is considered one of the most troublesome bird pests for homeowners in both small rural communities and urban areas. Homes and other buildings provide the structures where pigeons will roost, loaf, and nest. Pigeons are known to deface homes and structures with their habits and droppings. More serious however are the diseases that they carry and can spread to humans, including food poisoning, salmonella, cryptococcosis, and toxoplasmosis.

Pigeon Habitat

In the wild, pigeons often live on or near large, rocky cliffs. Peek mating season for pigeons is spring and fall, but they can breed any time of the year. When they adapt to the city, pigeons depend almost entirely on humans for their nesting sites, roosting, and food. When nesting, they can be found on roofs, air conditioning units, window ledges, commercial signs, traffic lights, and under bridges. While they prefer to eat seed and grain, pigeons will consume bread, insects, garbage, and handouts from people. Food and water are often close to the location where they decide to construct their nest. If a resource isn’t nearby, they will make sure that their needs are met within flight range.

Pigeon Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

The serious and constant public health problems feral pigeons create are unmatched by any other bird species. Pigeons are notorious for carrying and transmitting disease to people. Their droppings and feathers can contaminate food that is intended for human consumption. The droppings alone deface and accelerate the deterioration of homes and buildings and also contaminate areas where people walk or work. Their nests and droppings will clog air intakes and gutter downspouts, make fireplaces and fire escapes hazardous, and mar window sills. The ectoparasites or pigeons include ticks, mites, and chewing lice – some of which may bite people. Control of this urban pest should be a priority by both home and business owners.

If you discover pigeons roosting on your property, contact a professional bird control company immediately to discuss a proper course of pigeon control.