Woodpeckers in Central Arkansas
Woodpeckers are found throughout the United States, Mexico, and Canada. Since the bird frequently pecks and drills holes, certain species can cause damage to wood structures. The holes that are made in structures are made in an attempt to create a nest site or to eat insects that are located in the woods. Woodpeckers have been known to peck on woodwork on a building or on gutters, which can be an annoyance to homeowners. Drumming is a springtime activity of males to indicate their territory and can happen several times throughout the day.
Woodpecker Habitat
Woodpeckers live in forests, backyards, and various other types of habitats where trees are available. The breeding season usually takes place in late April and May, and woodpeckers will excavate nesting holes during this time. When evening approaches, woodpeckers will roost for the night and will search for cavities in a previously abandoned hole or in a cavity that they created for roosting purposes. These birds are particular with where their roosting site is selected, so wooden buildings and homes are most susceptible to being damaged by woodpeckers.
Woodpecker Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers
Damage to wooden structures and trees may take several forms. Holes may be drilled into wooden siding, window casings, and fascia boards. Woodpecker damage to utility poles can be severe and widespread in some regions, requiring pole replacement. Woodpeckers will commonly peck out insects from infested wood on structures, particularly the larvae and pupae of the carpenter bee.
Woodpeckers are protected by the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act as migratory, nongame birds. Always contact your licensed bird control experts for help with woodpecker problems.
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