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Saw-toothed beetle on a grain of rice - Keep beetles away with City Termite & Pest Control in Malvern, AR

Sawtoothed Grain Beetle

Actual Size: ⅛”

Characteristics: Elongated, narrow body with six saw-like projections on each side of the thorax. Typically reddish-brown to dark brown.

Legs: 6

Antennae: Yes

Wings: Yes, but do not fly.

Habitat: Found in grain storage facilities, food processing plants, warehouses, grocery stores, and residential homes.


  • Named for the six tiny saw-like “teeth” located on each side of their bodies.
  • Attracted to environments with moderate temperatures. 
  • Often enters homes by hitchhiking on infested items bought from grocery stores.
  • Infests stored food items, such as grains, cereals, flour, pasta, dried fruits, nuts, seeds, and spices.

Sawtoothed Grain Beetles in Central Arkansas

Found across the United States, the sawtoothed grain is a common nuisance in homes, grocery outlets, food warehouses, and grain storage facilities. Adults of this species infiltrate stored commodities such as grains, flour, sugar, and nuts, exploiting inadequately sealed containers’ crevices and cracks for entry. While incapable of attacking intact grain kernels, they frequently infest food previously compromised by other stored product pests. Their flattened body shape facilitates entry into fractured grain kernels and packaged goods, fostering contamination and often contributing to mold issues arising from moisture accumulation.

Sawtoothed Grain Beetle Habitat

Sawtoothed grain beetles are frequently encountered in food processing, storage, and retail establishments, as well as in household pantries. This pest, known for infesting a variety of dry goods, including bread, cereal, pasta, dried meats, candies, and nuts, poses a significant threat to stored food items. A single female beetle can lay as many as 250 eggs within the cracks of grain kernels, leading to rapid infestation rates. While the larvae inflict the majority of damage on stored goods, it’s the adult beetles that are more frequently encountered. Infestations are often detected when adult beetles are spotted crawling within pantry spaces.

Sawtoothed Grain Beetle Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

While sawtoothed grain beetles do not transmit diseases or exhibit biting behavior, they are regarded as nuisance pests due to their tendency to spoil stored food items within households. These pests have the ability to infiltrate sealed cardboard boxes and soft plastic packaging, making it challenging to prevent their entry into food supplies. Often, their introduction into homes occurs through infested products purchased from grocery stores, with the primary infestation typically originating at the manufacturing facility where the product was processed.

If you have sawtoothed grain beetles in your Central Arkansas property, contact your local pantry pest control experts for help.