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Close up of a hobo spider - Spider control services with City Termite & Pest Control in Malvern, AR

Hobo Spider

Actual Size: 1 to 1¾” including legs

Characteristics: Typically have a brownish coloration with darker markings on their abdomen

Legs: 8

Habitat: Prefers dark, sheltered locations underneath rocks, logs, or debris, where they can construct webs. They are also commonly found around homes and other structures.


  • Construct funnel-shaped webs, typically located close to the ground.
  • Primarily prey on flies, ants, beetles, and other small insects.
  • Rarely bite people, and when they do, their bite is often painless.
  • Its name derives from the fact that it’s often found along railway tracks.

Hobo Spiders in Central Arkansas

Found frequently in Central Arkansas, the hobo spider earns its name from its frequent presence along railway tracks. As members of the funnel-web spider family, they fashion funnel or tube-shaped shelters with their silk. While they exhibit swift movement, reaching up to three feet per second, they display poor climbing abilities.

Hobo Spider Habitat

Hobo spiders commonly inhabit outdoor environments such as rock retaining walls, landscape rocks, cracks in soil or concrete, vegetation, foundations, window wells, irrigation boxes, lumber stacks, firewood, and bricks. When indoors, they are commonly found darting across floors or near ground level. Although their climbing abilities are limited, they may occasionally be encountered in tubs and sinks. While there have been occasional sightings a few feet above the floor, most hobo spiders prefer to move about on the ground or within webs close to the ground or vegetation.

Hobo Spider Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Hobo spiders seldom bite humans, and if they do, the bites are usually painless. Recent findings suggest that hobo spider bites do not cause tissue damage or necrosis, unlike some other spider species. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, hobo spider venom is not toxic to humans. If you’re concerned about a bite and potential skin reactions, it’s advisable to consult a doctor for a proper diagnosis.

If you are dealing with hobo spiders, contact your local spider exterminators.