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A Closeup of a woodlouse spider climbing on a rock - Keep spiders out of your home with City Termite & Pest Control in Malvern, AR

Woodlouse Spider

Actual Size: 11 mm to 15 mm

Characteristics: Shiny appearance with a large, grey abdomen and reddish-orange head and legs

Legs: 8

Habitat: Inhabit a range of environments, from gardens and wooded areas to indoor spaces with high humidity. They seek shelter in dark, secluded spots such as under logs, rocks, and debris piles.


  • Prefers warm, damp environments.
  • Primarily prey on woodlice, also known as sowbugs or pillbugs.
  • Has large fangs and powerful jaws, serving for both defense and seizing prey.
  • Play important ecological role as predators of woodlice.

Woodlouse Spiders in Central Arkansas

Woodlouse spiders are small, reddish-brown creatures with elongated bodies. Their most distinctive feature is their disproportionately large fangs, which they use to pierce the tough exoskeletons of their prey. Unlike many other spiders, woodlouse spiders lack the ability to spin intricate webs. Instead, they rely on their stealth and hunting prowess. Their primary food source is woodlice. They use their long fangs and powerful jaws to inject venom and subdue their prey.

Woodlouse Spider Habitat

Woodlouse spiders thrive in damp environments. You’ll often find them under rocks, logs, and plant pots, as well as in leaf litter. They prefer the cover of darkness and emerge at night to hunt. Their affinity for moist habitats makes gardens and wooded areas their ideal habitats. Due to their preference for warm climates, they sometimes wander into homes and structures.

Woodlouse Spider Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

The bite of a woodlouse spider is generally harmless to humans. While their mechanical fangs can cause some pain, the effects usually subside within an hour. These spiders prefer habitats with rotting vegetation and wood. You’ll often find them in basements, under stones, boards, and around doors and windows. Interestingly, gardeners welcome these arachnids in their yards because they help control woodlice, which are notorious pests for plants.

If you are dealing with excess woodlouse spiders, contact your local spider exterminators.